So to get the same damage through youd need about 1.06× the damage. To make it even better, the crossbow also ignores 50 of armor, giving it the highest. My favorite kind being the dragonbone axe, either with a shield or dual-wielding. With a 100 damage attack you get through 90 and 95. Offering a high base damage stat of 22 off the bat, the Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow packs a serious punch. I used to always go more stealth-based, using arrows and daggers, but I guess I've grown impatient with sneaking around all the time and started just charging at my enemies with axes in recent playthroughs. My playing style has really changed over the years. I like the bleeding damage axes do, also the dragonbone axe is a great reward after hours of leveling up the smithing skill and slaying dragons for materials. My favorite kind being the dragonbone axe, either with a shield or dual-wielding. How's the damage on the two crossbows I only played for about an hour before work this morning, and it was on a character where I hadn't invested in Archery at all so I couldn't really notice.

I'm getting pretty good at it, just the other day I was on a hill and I saw an enemy fort and I sniped from the hill and got 3 killcams I myself also like the bow and crossbow, because in Skyrim, if I see an enemy fort, I go into sneak and snipe them. I'm getting pretty good at it, just the other day I was on a hill and I saw an enemy fort and I sniped from the hill and got 3 killcams OED Kaldmit December 23, 2017 But I like using the slow effect of the enchantment for fighting outside of. Frost damage isn’t the most useful since the game is in Skyrim, where every Nord and most beasts resist it. Every target hit by the Bow takes an extra 20 Frost damage and is slowed by 50 for three seconds. In particular I love the design of the Stalhrim Bow, if it is enchanted with frost damage it only increases in aesthetic value. The natural appeal of Firiniel’s End is its enchantment. Every variation of ranged shooting has interested me, this includes crossbows. In Skyrim, my favourite weapon would have to be the bow as I have always been a fan of archery. Pretty sure a thread like this has already been posted, however, I shall still answer wholly.