The second one, Backward, contains the same image used in forward and the definition, and asks you to type the word. The first one, Forward, contains an image and a word, and asks you for a definition. The deck comes with two card types, which you can edit in Anki menu. I suppose cards with interesting pictures can do an unbearable damage to your memory.

As I know, cards with pictures can help you to remember your stuff 1000 times more efficiently than boring pictureless cards. Anyway, it took me more that a year to collect all the words, and stuff the deck with interesting pictures. I added another pronunciation when neospeech became unreachable.Īnd I feel like I need to mention that this deck is NSFW, so, forewarned is forearmed. For everyone who's interested: her name is Julia and she works at Neospeech. I suggest trying it at first instead of disliking, because I was amazed at how natural the pronunciation is. All the cards come with a term and a definition, context (sometimes can be absent), hand-picked and high-quality images, and robotic pronunciation.

But, despite the fact that I borrowed from other decks, you won't find borrowed content here, I changed it to an unrecognizable state, I made it better and stronger. This is the first part of the deck, that contains words, phrasal verbs, idioms, et cetera, aimed at advanced or, maybe, upper-intermediate learners, I aggregated its content from variety of places: shared decks, internet resources and apps, movies, books, daily life etc.